Learn One Of Hulk's Best Takedowns From An Olympian | Technique Showcase
Feb 13, 2021
The the drop seoi nage, is one of the most commonly used takedowns among some of the best heavyweights. But the traditional version of the throw is not without its faults. The textbook variation of the throw requires the attacker to turn his back to his opponent, giving the defender an opening to counter.US Judo Olympian Nick Delpopolo To Enter Fight 2 Win Stage
Oct 17, 2019
An American judo Olympian is slated to compete this weekend at Fight 2 Win 128. Nick Delpopolo will become the first active judoka on the International Judo Federation’s ranking list to compete in judo on Oct. 19 when he makes his Fight 2 Win debut against Kell Berliner in Philadelphia.