Andy, Gracie, Grippo, Ceconi e Clay são destaques no Mundial Sem Kimono
Dec 14, 2022
O último dia do Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu Sem Kimono de 2022, realizado neste domingo, 11 de dezembro, reservou para os fãs de jiu-jitsu fortes emoções, e o público de Anaheim, na Califórnia, esteve inflamado para acompanhar o evento que ficará na memória.The 7 Favorites To Win At The 2nd ADCC European Trials
May 3, 2022
It’s the last chance for citizens of European, African, and Middle Eastern countries to qualify for the biggest event in submission wrestling history. Seven new ADCC competitors will earn their tickets to the big show in Poland on May 7 at the 2nd ADCC European Trials.