Nick Rodriguez is a heavyweight no-gi grappling competitor who took silver at the 2019 ADCC World Championships. He is formerly a member of the Danaher Death Squad and a founding member of the B-Team. Born in New Jersey in 1996, "Nicky Rod" began practicing jiu-jitsu in 2018, and won the 2019 ADCC East Coast Trials with less than two years of jiu-jitsu experience, earning entry into the prestigious ADCC Championships, and subsequently taking silver at the tournament.
Sep 28, 2021
The B-Team is an Austin, TX-based collective which comprises Craig Jones, Nicky Ryan, Nick Rodriguez, Ethan Crelinsten and others.Danaher Death Squad
Jan 19, 2021
The Danaher Death Squad was a group of grapplers who trained under John Danaher and represented him in competition. The team disbanded in July 2021, with Danaher, Gordon Ryan, Garry Tonon and others forming New Wave Jiu-Jitsu, while Craig Jones, Nicky Ryan, Nick Rodriguez and Ethan Crelinsten formed the break-off B-Team.