UPDATE: Dillon Danis Convinces Viral Bully Victim to Start Jiu-Jitsu

UPDATE: Dillon Danis Convinces Viral Bully Victim to Start Jiu-Jitsu

Dillon Danis pays for bully victim's jiu-jitsu and opens up about his own struggles being bullied.

Oct 16, 2019
UPDATE: Dillon Danis Convinces Viral Bully Victim to Start Jiu-Jitsu

Recently, we published an article about Dillon Danis watching a viral video of a Baltimore teenager getting beaten up by several students in his school's bathroom. Danis was bullied himself as a child and felt the need to reach out to help. Dillon said if the victim was interested in training, he would happily pay for his jiu-jitsu membership. The bullying victim accepted Dillon's offer, and today this photo was posted of the kid's first day on the mat. Danis had this to say about the victim joining;

"This is one of the most meaningful things I've done in my life thus far and plan on doing it more and more to create something that will last for generations to come. From being on the receiving side of bullying and Jiu-Jitsu savingin my life, I'm now in a position where I have a platform that can help others down the same path. This path has brought me everything in my life and giving back to others is a feeling I cannot put into words. I am so proud of this young man for taking me up on my offer and getting into the dojo. Showing up is half the battle and that applies to everything in this life. We're all in this together, let's go champ!"