Dillon Danis Takes A Stand Against Bullying

Dillon Danis Takes A Stand Against Bullying

Dillon Danis takes a strong stance against bullying and offers to pay for victim's BJJ membership.

Oct 14, 2019
Dillon Danis Takes A Stand Against Bullying

This past week, Dillon Danis came across this heartbreaking video of a teenager being jumped by several other students inside a school bathroom. Dillon reached out to the victim and offered to pay for a jiu-jitsu membership at his nearest BJJ academy. 

Danis reposted this video late Friday afternoon, and it has since been seen by over 1.2 million people just on his personal account. After watching it, Dillon asked his followers to help him identify the 14-year-old victim.

“These videos break my heart nobody should have to go through this, if anyone knows how to contact him I wanna get him into martial arts immediately." –Dillon Danis

The following day Danis sent the teen a message, offering to pay for jiu-jitsu at his nearest academy.

The attack was in Bluford Drew Jemison Academy West Middle/High School. School officials announcing that “appropriate actions will be taken.”

The victim has since received an overwhelming amount of support and is greatly appreciative of all the compassion he's received. The teen admitted online that the attack “f–cking hurt” but reassured everyone that he is recovering well.

Danis admitted he was not a strong teenager growing up and that he could not do a single pushup. At 15 years of age, he decided to start training jiu-jitsu after pulling off a choke during a street fight. Ten years later, Dillon has become a top tier BJJ competitor and Bellator MMA fighter.

"I was bullied as a kid and jiu-jitsu saved my life. I feel like it can help change people's lives for the better, the way it did mine."