picture of Mauricio Oliveira

What We Learned: The Best Technical Moments from Big Deal Pro

Jul 13, 2021

Technically speaking, there were some really cool moments that I want to highlight from Big Deal Pro.

First is Leo Lara’s old school choke that he used to beat the half guard of Jeison Silva. The only time I’ve ever seen anybody do this choke was when I went to a Mario Sperry seminar back in 2014. Pay attention to how Leo slips his right hand into the collar and then uses his left arm to push down on the back of the head and control Silva’s upper body. If you’ve never felt this choke, you’d be surprised how strong it is.

A cool moment, this time from Mauricio Oliveira of Dream Art. Wellington Alemao trains with Leandro Lo and he’s got an insanely tough guard, which is why it blew me away to see Mauricio cut right through it with this straight forward and direct guard counter to the open guard.

A classic move here, this time from Erich Munis. He scored the balao sweep twice in his match with Leonardo Lemos, and the second time opened up the opportunity to go straight onto the armbar. It’s one of those moves that never er goes out of fashion, but it’s rare to see it pulled off at the highest level.