2021 World Jiu-Jitsu IBJJF ChampionshipDec 28, 2021
The Class Of 2021 | These Are The Newly-Promoted Black Belts
The Class Of 2021 | These Are The Newly-Promoted Black Belts
These athletes earned the rank of black belt in December, and many of them will likely be contenders in their new rank almost immediately.

The black belt class of 2021 is a who's who of top notch competitors, many of whom are likely to grace the top of black belt podiums in the coming months. Below are the athletes who earned the rank of black belt in December.
Brown Belt World Champions:
Pedro Machado | R1NG | @pedromachadooo (right)

Tye Ruotolo & Kade Ruotolo | Atos | @ruotolobrothersbjj

Jansen Gomes | Checkmat | @jansen_gomes15

Mason Fowler | Brasa CTA | @masonfowlermma

Amy Campo | Zenith | @amycampofighter

Iasmim Casser | Art Of Jiu-Jitsu | @iasmimcasser

Eduardo Roque | Renzo Gracie | @eduardoroque

Mateus Rodrigues | Art Of Jiu-Jitsu | @mateusrodrigues

Sebastian Serpa | Carlson Gracie | @sebastianserpajj

Jhenifer Aquino | Atos | @jheniferaquinojj

Paulo Lanzillotti | Checkmat | @palanzillotti

Guilherme Bacha | Checkmat | @bachabjj

Matheus Azancot | Ares BJJ | @@matheusazancotbjj

Vitoria Vieira | GF Team | @vivierabjj

Gabriela Pereira | BJJ Vision | @gabipereirabjj

Other Newly-Promoted Black Belts
Brianna Ste-Marie | Brazilian Top Team | @briannasm

Demian Balderrama | Atos | @demian_balderramabjj

Coco Izzy | Art Of Jiu-Jitsu | @coco_izzy

Lucas Rodrigues | Art Of Jiu-Jitsu @lucasrodriguesbjj

Ismael Santos | GF Team | @ismaelsantosbjj

Luciana Mota | Alliance | @lucianamota

Betina Pereira | GF Team | @betinacpenedo

Thamires Monteiro | Checkmat | @monteirotami

Alex Enriquez | Atos | @aenriquez218

Pierre Pires | Brazil 021 | @pierrepiresjj

Vinicius Silva | Brazil 021 | @vinicius_silvajj

Joao Machado | R1NG | @jmacchado (left)

Aline Paes | Checkmat | @alinepaesbjj