IBJJF 2017 Pan Jiu-Jitsu ChampionshipMar 20, 2017 by Reid Connell
Five Must-See Black Belt Submissions From IBJJF Pan Championships
Five Must-See Black Belt Submissions From IBJJF Pan Championships
Five Must-See Black Belt Submissions From IBJJF Pan Championships

Watch every match from the epic tournament right here in our archives!
2. Erberth Santos' Knee Bar
4. Bruno Malfacine's Choke From The Back
Watch the matches from the IBJJF 2017 Pan Jiu-Jitsu Championship in the archives, available now!
1. Josh Hinger's Gogoplata
2. Erberth Santos' Knee Bar
3. Michael Liera Jr's Modified Omoplata/Kimura
4. Bruno Malfacine's Choke From The Back
5. Leandro Lo's Absolute Final Toe Hold
Watch the matches from the IBJJF 2017 Pan Jiu-Jitsu Championship in the archives, available now!